Maintain Social Distancing While Travling in Flight

Did you ever thought that social distancing will become a significant concern.  In the midst of the Covid-19, government and health authorities around the world are following serious steps and encouraging individuals to follow social distancing whether you are traveling or going to .

But, social separating might be hard to practice in some areas, particularly on flights. Hence, such a large airlines are taking preventive measures and causing individuals to follow social distancing even on boarding.

Here are some ideas that you can follow to maintain social distancing if you are traveling through flight-

After the declaration of guidelines for COVID-19, airlines have been urged to follow social distancing even in flights. Travelers and airlines were mentioned to keep the center seat empty to guarantee health protection of the travelers and the crew on board.

There are huge numbers of airlines that are attempting to utilize social distancing on board by offering chance to travelers to sit close to the vacant seat. Any place there are vacant seats, operators are urging travelers to sit close to it to guarantee proper separation between the travelers and protect them from the infection spread.

When landing, airline authorities practice social distancing while deplaning. This is completed in a very responsible manner where the team ask everybody to be seated until the column before them gets empty. Therefore, if you are flying, must follow these guidelines in responsible way.

Apart from sanitizer and facemask,  social distancing care protect you. As a responsible passenger, it is your duty to save yourself and others. While booking a flight ticket you can make sure what that prticular airlines is doing to save the life of their passengers.

Rest respect the rules that airlines impose, because it not only for you, for the safety of all.


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