Your Checklist To Fly Safe During This Corona Times

To help you stay informed about your safety and well being during the COVID-19😷 outbreak, we have prepared some important information. It is true that air travel spread the virus more quickly, however, planes can not be blamed. Anywhere when people get together, they are equally susceptible. You can follow some precautionary measures to minimize the risk-

Wash hands regularly

Washing hands with soap is the first step to take precaution measures. In case soap and water are not available then you may use hand sanitizer which contains at least 60% alcohol. However, experts always recommend washing hands with soap and water. 

Cover your face

Cover your nose and mouth when you cough. Whenever you sneeze use your elbow and also wear a facemask to protect your fellow travelers.

Don’t travel If you’re unwell

COVID-19 shows its effects after 14 days. The international airports are checking the temperature during the arrival and departure of passengers. There could be a chance of getting avoid so it is your duty that if you are feeling sick, don't travel. Your safety is in your hands. Minimize travel as much as you can.

Clean up

Although airlines have announced that they are doing some extra cleaning, there is no guarantee that it got the full treatment. Therefore, carry antibacterial wipes for seat cleaning, arms, tray table, seat touch screen, seat-back pocket, headrest, and window blind. The same things apply for frequently used places and items like hotel television remote, taxies, elevators, etc.

Stay up-to-date with travel advice

If you are traveling make sure that you have gone through the latest COVID-19 updated information and advice. Also, check the US State Department website to make sure you are following guidelines.

These are the things that you can do while flying. For more updates and to book cheap flight tickets visit us now. 


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