It is not possible for every individual to focus on saving a huge amount of money and then planning a trip. Sometimes, no matter what you do and how hard you try, it becomes next to impossible for you to save money. However, this does not mean that you can’t go anywhere you want to. In fact, there are certain unavoidable circumstances in which you have to travel to another location by doing anything that you can to gather sufficient funds. This is exactly when you need to focus on planning a trip that doesn’t make you spend a lot of money. Read below for some of the best tips for the same: 1) Try to search for companies or websites that provide you with fly now pay later flights: If you have no knowledge about this concept, we have some good news for you – Flightlayaway has evolved the concept of the book now pay later flights that allow you to pay for your tickets on a monthly basis. This means that even if you have less money in your bank at the moment, you can easily catch a ...